Message from the Principal

Dear Students!

At the very outset, I welcome you to the current session with a hope that you will work hard from the beginning of the session, and make it meaningful with all your good deeds, and creative talents. The future belongs to you, and so you can fashion your fate, the way you want to, taking the blessings of your teachers and parents too.

In fact, you have immense potential, but the need is to realize it. The day you will realize your potentialities, you will write history, and become an important human resource for our country. This is what I expect from you. Remember! There is no shortcut in life, and great battles are fought with confidence only. You are truly blessed with these attributes.

Convey my deep regards to your parents too as they fully concentrate on you to shape your future. They truly deserve all appreciations. So, take a pledge that you will make them, and us feel proud. Enjoy the company of the teachers and try to learn as much as possible. The NEP-2022 will certainly make you fully different from others, and one day, we shall feel proud of you.

I wish you all success in your future endeavours.
